When you change yourself into a better and healthier person. You attract better things into your life. You can’t force people to like you or love you. It's best to let those people fade away and just remember how grateful you are to have yourself. Because the universe goes off on your feelings. Not your words it's how you feel. Your words truly shape your mentality. Things you say out loud to yourself and the words that your thinking shapes your feelings. So don’t try to trick the universe or play reverse psychology on it. The universe isn't something you can trick. But what you can trick is yourself and your mind. It's crazy to think of it this way, but the universe will match the vibration you send out. Remember that you are a magnet for everything. If you tell yourself you're a magnet for prosperity, happiness, love, and blessings. You will attract what you are. Keep in mind you are the ultimate decider of what comes your way. So please don’t chase after people, but yourself. Become the person that knows you are worth more. There are millions of things out there in this universe that will make you feel valued. You just have to attract the right people and things into your life. Just decide who you want to be and who you want in your life and god will always lead you in the right direction. -JQ-